Many factors to closing schools
Published 9:56 am Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Anytime it snows, children throughout the county are dreaming of a “snow day.” However, while one school district may decide to close and another does not, it is important not to quickly assume or become upset thinking what is good for one is good for all.
Each school district is distinct in its geographical makeup, and the safety of the students and staff of each school district is the number one priority. When school officials make a determination of whether to remain open or close for the day, just as many factors come into play.
With the majority of Lawrence County being rural and having hundreds of county, township and private roads, the ability to get each of these cleared and safe is a major undertaking that takes planning and coordination.
While main roadways may be clear, many of the rural township and private roads are still in a condition that is not conducive to each student and faculty member arriving safely at school.
The location of these roads has to be taken into account as well. For example, most of the streets that feed into Ironton City Schools are relatively flat and have a direct route to each school building. However, many of the other districts have rural roadways and have severe hills and curves that can be extremely unsafe for vehicles and buses.
The next time we have inclement weather, having patience and understanding with those charged with making the decisions on school closings is key.