Latest Opinion


Jim Crawford: Attack of the chainsaw man

Elon Musk has joyously held up his chainsaw in front of Republican extremists, smiled broadly from ear to ...


MJ Wixsom: Getting ready for spring

Spring has arrived, and with it comes a season of renewal, growth, and a few challenges for those ...


Jeri Fields: You may be eligible for SSI and Social Security benefits

You may be able to get Supplemental Security Income even if you already receive Social Security benefits. About ...


Jim Crawford: A fool’s war

We are at war. It is a war of choice. It is a Trumpian war, both vacuous and ...


Following the path to victory

The southeastern Ohio regional spelling bee took place on March 1 at Ohio University in Athens and, for ...


Doug Johnson: It can be hard see what people say

Many years ago, a group of monks and peasants shared a mountain together.  The monks lived atop the ...


MJ Wixsom: Cave diving in Mexico is a trip

I just got back from a short trip to Mexico. I was in Tulum, where a famous set of ...


Michael Reagan: Time to chainsaw the bureaucrats

Since when did bureaucrats become a victim class? The answer to that one is easy – as soon ...


Dick Polman: Bezos is crafting MAGA’s Pravda

In addition to Jeff Bezos’ worst sin – gutting The Washington Post’s journalistic mission in order to suckle ...


Doug Johnson: Our actions speak louder than words

Many years ago, Evangelist E. L. Hyde was conducting revival meetings in New Jersey. One evening he read ...


MJ Wixsom: Behavioral euthanasia never easy for owner or clinic staff

Behavioral euthanasia—a term that often evokes a deep and complex emotional response—is one of the hardest decisions a ...


Jeri Fields: Resources available for sickle cell warriors

Are you a sickle cell warrior or do you know someone with sickle cell disease? At Social Security, ...


Jim Crawford : On the head of a pin

On the head of a pin —that is where our economic well-being is balanced today as a result ...


EDITORIAL: Stars on the field and beyond

The city, county and region were quite proud when the Ironton High School Fighting Tigers defeated Liberty Center ...


Tim Throckmorton: Let us live by faith

John Wooden, head coach for many years at UCLA credited much of his success to his father. Scattered ...

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