A ‘berry fresh’ way to raise cash
Published 9:48 am Monday, February 14, 2011
Delicious strawberries are hard to find during the winter months, and the students of Symmes Valley High School’s Future Farmers of America are happy to help you find them.
The Florida-grown strawberries cost $4 for one quart, four quarts for$14, or eight quarts for $25.
Symmes Valley’s FFA students sell the strawberries each year as a way to fund the group’s projects, from an annual banquet to the group’s participation in the Christmas angel tree project.
In addition to the strawberries, barbeque sauces are also available for purchase.
The D.B. Yummers sauce comes in three flavors, sweet and smoky, mildly spicy and island sauce. They are sold in a four-pack for $15, and the flavors can be mixed or matched.
The strawberries and the barbeque can be purchased by calling the school at 740-643-2371, and asking for Beth Roberts, FFA advisor. They will be sold through Feb. 23.
“We’ve sold that for a couple of years and that sells pretty good too,” said Shawna Myers, Symmes Valley senior and FFA president. “Everybody is pretty satisfied when they get it.”
Myers has been an FFA member for all four years of high school and loves the opportunities it has given her.
“FFA is important to me because it helps build skills needed,” Myers said. She said the FFA helps students socially and become well-rounded people.
“I’ve traveled in 12 states in my four years with FFA. It’s pretty fun-filled and you get to do a lot of stuff. I’ve seen so much stuff I hadn’t imagined.”