Letters to the Editor

Citizens must be informed about tax levies

As with almost every election, we often find ourselves voting on a property tax levy or levies when ...

Letters to the Editor

Keep Burlington free of alcohol sales

In the movie, “The Hunt for Red October,” Sean Connery plays the Soviet captain who address his crew ...

Letters to the Editor

Pocket park improves neighborhood

If you haven’t visited or driven by the pocket park in the 2300 block of South Eighth Street ...

Letters to the Editor

Hydrant flushing improves water quality

In a modern world where topics such as; “energy conservation,” “environmental friendliness,” “going green,” “resources conservation,” and the ...

Letters to the Editor

Meet the Candidates will air on local TV

Once again the Concerned Citizens of the Burlington Area had a successful Meet the Candidates night. Those running ...

Letters to the Editor

Clinton has been victim of GOP disinformation

In a recent column in the Herald Dispatch, Milt Hankins discussed Hillary Clinton’s 1990s comment regarding a “vast ...

Letters to the Editor

Citizens have protection when voting

To the voters of Lawrence County, The Lawrence County Board of Elections wants you to know that no ...

Letters to the Editor

Country in bad shape

Do we want a president whose health is so bad that we need someone to be with her ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks given to solid waste director

We all owe Dan Palmer a big vote of thanks for his organization of the dumpster pick-up site ...

Letters to the Editor

Donald Trump poor choice for president

Why do you tell your children to tell the truth, yet when it comes to politics, if never ...

Letters to the Editor

Caregivers need compassion, support

Saturday morning, my granddaughter and I took her three young children to Ashland for a treat — breakfast ...

Letters to the Editor

Bridging the Past needs supporters

Bridging the Past, the Ohio nonprofit corporation working to save the Ironton-Russell Bridge, has been granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt ...

Letters to the Editor

Hillary Clinton not fit for president

Why do you tell your children and was raised to tell the truth. Yet when it comes to ...

Letters to the Editor

Business worries some Chesapeake residents

Perhaps no other type of property today has risen in value and demand more than waterfront property. As ...

Letters to the Editor

Rally on the River asset to city

I have learned many things over my almost 15 years working at a small business. I have also ...

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