Letters to the Editor

Jobs the answer to poverty

Improving the economy — providing more jobs — is the key to lifting individuals and families out of ...

Letters to the Editor

County must help take care of its poor

I’m not the only one who thinks the treasurer and commissioners have developed a war on the poor ...

Letters to the Editor

Aging agency good resource

AAA7. You may have seen this acronym or perhaps have heard about it, but not exactly sure what ...

Letters to the Editor

End shame of depression

Life brings with it a roller-coaster ride of emotions. It is expected there are times when we will ...

Letters to the Editor

Children at the border raises questions

For once I’m glad Jim Crawford finally said the Republicans sent more than 400 bills to the Senate, ...

Letters to the Editor

Algae toxins threaten public

The opaque, slime-green water found in Toledo last weekend should be a wake-up call to residents in Ohio ...

Letters to the Editor

Helmet safety event success thanks to supporters

On Aug. 2 from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. there was a skate boarding and bicycle rodeo at the Etna ...

Letters to the Editor

State should look at inspection laws

A major malfunction on a ride at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky will not be investigated by ...

Letters to the Editor

Memories fond of produce man

As we drove down State Route 93 a few years back, we came to know a man with ...

Letters to the Editor

Helmets mean protection

Our children are the future and we need to protect them. One way to prevent injuries and save ...

Letters to the Editor

Children deserve more

You haven’t heard that much about children’s issues in this year’s campaigns for statewide offices and Congress in ...

Letters to the Editor

Charter schools accountability

On Tuesday, members of the State Board of Education witnessed something extraordinary. A group of former teachers testified ...

Letters to the Editor

Two cents shuts off electricity

Upon my arrival home after a hard day’s work on June 9, I noticed a red sign on ...

Letters to the Editor

Drones safety for guards

For many of us, the word “drone” tends to prompt mixed feelings of fascination and worry. But one ...

Letters to the Editor

Eliminating term limits not way to go

Our fine city and our dedicated city council have a term regulation set in place which has worked ...

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