Letters to the Editor

Exercise for more than just the body

I read the other day that studies have shown exercise raises happiness levels as much as taking Zoloft. ...

Letters to the Editor

Fish Derby deemed success

The June 6 Cave Run Kids Fish Derby was a big success again this year. There were 675 ...

Letters to the Editor

Failing to move jail doesn’t add up

From the financial data concerning the county jail that has been available through the media, it appears failing ...

Letters to the Editor

Diabetes Awareness Fair a success

On Tuesday, April 28, many individuals participated in the 2015 Ironton Lions Diabetes Awareness Community Health Fair organized ...

Letters to the Editor

Arlington place for brave

Have you ever seen Arlington, what a sight to see. Thousands of white crosses, places so evenly. Have ...

Letters to the Editor

County residents asked to ‘save the day’

Lawrence County Relay For Life took place on Saturday, May 16, at South Point High School. However, due ...

Letters to the Editor

Health department offers thanks

The Lawrence County Health Department would like to thank the following sponsors for their help in making our ...

Letters to the Editor

Take responsibility for yourself

Michael Reagan has done the Democrats a favor by doing research about a now dead Democrat who took ...

Letters to the Editor

Village needs curbside recycling now

The people in the Rome/Proctorville area are big on recycling. It is obvious by the overflowing recycle bins ...

Letters to the Editor

Protect your freedom

I’m just going to come out and say it: Your government does not care about you. The American ...

Letters to the Editor

Ironton In Bloom not asking for funds

After reading the recent Tribune editorial regarding the discussion of the inclusion of an expenditure line item within ...

Letters to the Editor

Looking for leaders in Ironton

The City Council’s refusal to immediately support Ironton in Bloom’s effort to improve the appearance of the town ...

Letters to the Editor

Easter egg hunt volunteers praised

On Tuesday, March 31, many children were thrilled to participate in the 2015 Ironton Easter Egg Hunt, organized ...

Letters to the Editor

Online offers reading option

More than 100 countries will participate in World Book Day on Thursday, encouraging people to explore the pleasures ...

Letters to the Editor

Hotel makes great venue for community

Ironton aLive and the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce co-sponsored the Business After Hours last Thursday and plan ...

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