Letters to the Editor

St. Mary’s Ironton facility appreciated

We use St. Mary’s emergency room because they provide excellent service and are close to home. St. Mary’s ...

Letters to the Editor

What are their positions on jail?

Before too long, Lawrence County could spend a half-million taxpayer dollars to house our prisoners out of county. ...

Letters to the Editor

Ironton kindergarten registration set

Ironton City Schools are gearing up for its free Kindergarten Health Fair and Registration from 5-8 p.m. on ...

Letters to the Editor

Thank you Lawrence County

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of those who came out ...

Letters to the Editor

Inmates’ basic rights being violated

I am writing this letter after visiting my son in Lawrence County jail. Along with others, I waited ...

Letters to the Editor

Flawed school testing needs reconsidered

I simply must speak up in protest of the enormous bright red report card that was the front ...

Letters to the Editor

Collins called ‘loyal team player’

I am State Senator Cliff Hite and Christopher Collins used to be my senior legislative aide. Chris was ...

Letters to the Editor

Commission candidate wants county to progress

I have had the opportunity to work with Christopher Collins the last two months and am proud to ...

Letters to the Editor

Collins would be change for county

Attention Lawrence County voters — on March 15 you have the opportunity to bring change to the office ...

Letters to the Editor

Boggs introduced prescription plan

When you have to pay cash for prescriptions, it can be difficult. Meds are expensive and sometimes tough ...

Letters to the Editor

Pet lover casting commission vote for Boggs

I’ve heard the horrific stories of past practices at our county dog pound. Almost all of the animals ...

Letters to the Editor

Many events to celebrate bicentennial

We as the Chamber of Commerce appreciate your write-up about Lawrence County’s bicentennial, and we completely agree. Our ...

Letters to the Editor

Coverage of Black History program appreciated

I’m writing to thank the editor, staff and especially the photographer of The Tribune for the wonderful write-up ...

Letters to the Editor

Forum success thanks to volunteers

We want to take a moment and thank all the candidates that attended our Meet the Candidate Night ...

Letters to the Editor

Lucas right for county commission seat

Dr. David Lucas was my professor at Ohio University. He will be a great asset to Lawrence County ...

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