
Jim Crawford: Have we forgotten?

After the invasion of Iraq, Americans did not forget that we should not have attacked Iraq. Iraq had ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Bring high-speed Internet to more people in Ohio

It’s pretty simple: Every Ohio family and Ohio business should have reliable, high-speed internet. It’s a crucial aspect ...


Editorials from around Ohio: Read ballot language before heading to polls next week

As Ohio’s November election rapidly approaches, there is an alarming amount of confusion and intentional misinformation floating around.  ...


MJ Wixsom: Dealing with litter box issues

There is nothing more frustrating, than the mysterious world of inappropriate cat behavior. As any seasoned veterinarian will ...


Jim Crawford: Johnson’s past shows troubling signs of extremism

After three weeks of regrettable back-fighting and embarrassing chaos, the Republican majority in the House this week elected ...


Doug Johnson: Finding the Golden Rule really does work

In Matthew 7:12, Jesus taught what we call the ‘Golden Rule’: “So in everything, do to others what ...


U.S. Rep. Brad Wenstrup: Brutal Hamas, anti-Semitism deserve unequivocal condemnation

Two weeks ago, the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas brutally slaughtered Israeli men, women, and children in their homes. ...


Tom Purcell: Halloween costume humor is a dying art

Halloween has long been a staple of childhood, but in the past few decades it has been increasingly ...


U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Fostering defense innovation in Ohio

Our national security depends on constant innovation, including from the defense industry. That’s why we worked to create ...


Michael Reagan: House GOP not a funny national joke

The world is going to hell and taking America’s wealth, military power and geopolitical influence with it. Thanks ...


Jeri Fields: Businesses should make Soc. Security part of planning

Most business owners are hyper-focused on growing their business and legacy. But at some point, they must consider ...


MJ Wixsom: Bats can be complex, beautiful

I enjoy going and teaching the fifth graders in the CATS program. Every teacher dreams of the opportunity to ...


Peter Funt: Suzanne Somers was pure showbiz

Friday nights on CBS, Suzanne Somers always held my hand when we walked on stage. Sitting on stools ...


Doug Johnson: A look at the origins of Halloween traditions

Halloween continues to be extremely popular with kids of all ages — 73 percent of the U.S. population ...


Tim Throckmorton: There all the time

It was Terry Pratchett who said, “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So ...

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