Weather advisory issued

Published 11:08 am Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did the weatherman make a mistake? This kind of weather is supposed to come next week, not the week before Christmas.

Apparently he did and the slick, snowy roads meant every school student in the eight districts in the county got a holiday before next week’s Christmas break.

The fact that no one had to get to school may account for the fact that as of 8 this morning there was only one accident reported to authorities. A dispatcher reported that one motorist slid off the roadway of County Road 52. There were no injuries reported.

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Dispatchers for the Ohio State Highway Patrol and Ironton City Police said there have been no accidents, not even fender benders, reported to them.

As of this morning the National Weather Service had a winter weather advisory issued for the county until 1 p.m. with sleet and snow, but with little or no accumulation.

Temperatures are expected to rise to the lower 40s tonight with the wintry mix turning to rain.

“We are at the edge of a weather system, cold air in the northwest and warm air planted in the south of us,” said Allan Rezik, meteorologist with the weather service in Charleston, W.Va. “Basically, you have this front band through out area that just kicks off a little bit of precipitation. Not large amounts. It will be that way all day today.”

And now the big question. What about a white Christmas?

“That’s a good question. I will take a peek into the future, but don’t get too excited,” Rezik said. “I’m not going to jump off the bridge for Christmas. Right now, there is not a cold flow. You need that cold air to get that snow. If anything it will be wet. Either nothing or wet.”