Food bank offers ways to give back

Published 9:27 am Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This summer, one good deed can help two great causes. That is the case because of a partnership between the Southeastern Ohio Food Bank in Logan and the Lawrence County Fair.

Food bank operators are urging those who purchase some livestock from the youth at the auction to donate it to the food bank for its charitable efforts right here in Lawrence County.

The food bank only can accept steers, feeder calves, dairy cows and swine. For more information, contact Barbara Rountree, HAPCAP community service worker, at (740) 385-6813, extension 2206.

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This is a great opportunity for those individuals to purchase animals — which helps the 4-H youth pay for college, invest in their farms and get a return on their many hours of work invested raising their animals — but it also will help feed those in need.

Food banks and food pantries across the region are feeling the effects of the economy, many reporting that donations are down while those in need has only increased.

Taking local livestock and turning it into the food needed is great news.

Through this partnership, a small investment can have a big impact right here in Lawrence County.