Palin resignation shows her strength of character
Published 9:50 am Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The resignation of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin comes at a time of political tensions for her and her state, but because of her vaulting to the national stage last summer at the side of Sen. John McCain, there’s a set of national implications.
Palin was discredited by the national media for being a lightweight politician, too lacking in knowledge to hold national office. …
She was lampooned and ridiculed. And her family, including her teenage children, became the fodder for criticism in a very personal way …
… Why was this obscure governor who was thrust into the national limelight given such a hard time? …
We offer one basic answer: She’s young and intelligent and pretty and posed a threat. She’s outspoken and unafraid to step on toes or opposing viewpoints. She bucked against a political glass ceiling, one that played against Hillary Clinton on the Democrat/liberal side in much the same way it played against Palin on the Republican/conservative side. …
Walking away for now is an indication of strength for Palin, because she loses the natural pulpit a governorship can provide from which to launch a presidential run. It gives her time to reset herself to focus on whatever the job she chooses to do.
And with Palin, we’re sure she’ll throw herself entirely into whatever job that will be.
(Steubenville) Herald-Star