Land bank tackles major parcel
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 18, 2023
Chesapeake site has multiple structures
CHESAPEAKE — A contractor is at work in Chesapeake, demolishing structures on a parcel of land that is the largest handled by the county’s land bank to date.
“It’s a big project, in terms of clean up and the impact on the community there,” Lawrence County Commissioner DeAnna Holliday said at Tuesday’s meeting of commission.
Holliday and commissioner Mike Finley said they have heard from residents of two “really nice neighborhoods” near the site for years about the need to clean up the property.
“For 15 years, it was the biggest eyesore in Chesapeake,” Finley said.
The property, located at 9 Private Drive 124 on Township Road 287, is adjacent to the Chesapeake Flea Market and contains multiple structures, including mobile homes, burnt homes and a large amount of debris, officials at the land bank said.
Once demolition by Pinkerman Excavating is completed, the property will be made construction-ready and resold.
“This a huge impact to Chesapeake and Lawrence County as a whole,” Holliday said. “A lot of folks came together to make it happen.”
Copley said it was the result of a long process and hard work and people “staying persistent and consistent to get things done.”.
“Sometimes, it’s frustrating, because government doesn’t move overnight,” he said. “It’s good to see results come to fruition.”
In other business, the commission:
• Heard from Finley, who said Saturday’s Special Needs Youth Sportsman fishing event in Fayette County was a success.
“We always appreciate you offering up space for that,” Commission President Colton Copley said of the location, on Finley’s property.
The event, which takes place twice a year, provides for a free day of fishing, with equipment provided, as well as breakfast and lunch, for special needs children and their families.
“Those kids may not have had that opportunity otherwise,” Holliday said.
• Approved the minutes of the meeting held Sept. 5, as corrected.
• Approved the following floodplain permit submitted by the soil and Water Conservation District:
New: 2023-829 Donald Ross-Manufactured home project located at 7472 County Road 16; Renewal: 2023-828 Symmes Township-Grading culverts, paving and maintenance projects located on Township Road R.O.W
• Approve appropriations and transfers dated Sept. 12, submitted by Chris Kline, chief deputy auditor/acting administrator.
• Approved and signed the Electronic Pollbook MOU between the Ohio Secretary of State and the Lawrence County Commissioners, requested by Catherine Snider, Lawrence County Board of Elections director.
• Authorized and signed the 2024 CEBCO Health Insurance Rates.
• Approved and signed the Community Based Corrections Grant Addendum increase in the amount of $15,506.00, requested by the Adult Probation Department.
• Received and filed the EMS monthly report for August 2023, submitted by Lori Morris, EMS director of finance.
• Approved the authorization to publish a Public Hearing for Private Road 2482.
• Met in executive session with Denise Paulus and Chris Kline regarding personnel, hire, fire, and/or reprimand.