OHSAA announces division breakdowns for 2023-24

Published 10:46 pm Tuesday, June 27, 2023

By Tim Stried

OHSAA Media Director

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio High School Athletic Association has announced the divisional breakdowns for the upcoming 2023-24 girls and boys basketball seasons using competitive balance data submitted last season.

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All other 2023-24 winter sports will use the same divisions as last year, as the upcoming school year is the second year of the current base enrollment data cycle.

The OHSAA uses enrollment data provided by the Ohio Department of Education to determine each school’s base enrollment numbers for girls and boys sports. The base enrollment data is collected every other year to be used for two school years.

2023-24 Girls Basketball Divisional Breakdowns: https://www.ohsaa.org/Sports-Tournaments/Basketball-Girls/Girls-Basketball-2023-24

2023-24 Boys Basketball Divisional Breakdowns: https://www.ohsaa.org/Sports-Tournaments/Basketball-Boys/Boys-Basketball-2023-24

More about competitive balance is posted at: https://www.ohsaa.org/School-Resources/Competitive-Balance-Resource-Center

The 2023 football divisions and regional assignments were announced on May 3, while all other fall sports were announced on May 23. Details are posted at: https://www.ohsaa.org/news-media/articles/ohsaa-fall-sports-divisional-breakdowns-announced-5

2023-24 OHSAA Winter Sports

Full Divisional breakdowns for the 2023-24 school year are posted at: https://www.ohsaa.org/School-Resources/Divisional-Breakdowns-2023-24-School-Year

Swimming – two divisions for girls and boys, no competitive balance (no changes from 2022-23 season)

Bowling – two divisions for girls and boys, no competitive balance (no changes from 2022-23 season)

Gymnastics – one division for girls, no competitive balance (no changes from 2022-23 season)

Ice Hockey – one division for boys, no competitive balance (no changes from 2022-23 season)

Wrestling – three divisions for boys and one division for girls, no competitive balance (no changes from 2022-23 season)

Girls Basketball – four divisions using competitive balance (new for 2023-24 season)

Boys Basketball – four divisions using competitive balance (new for 2023-24 season)

Ohio High School

Athletic Association

2023-24 Division



Division 1 620-Up

Division 2 385-619

Division 3 274-384

Division 4 206-273

Division 5 158-205

Division 6 115-157

Division 7 114-less

Boys Basketball

Division 1 346-Up

Division 2 193-345

Division 3 121-192

Division 4 120-less

Girls Basketball

Division 1 320-Up

Division 2 191-319

Division 3 113-190

Division 4 112-less


Division 1 353-Up

Division 2 198-352

Division 3 123-197

Division 4 122-less


Division 1 331-Up

Division 2 195-330

Division 3 116-194

Division 4 115-less


Division 1 319-Up

Division 2 189-38

Division 3 111-118

Division 4 110-less

Boys Golf

Division 1 273-Up

Division 2 142-272

Division 3 141-less

Girls Golf

Division 1 239-Up

Division 2 238-less

Boys Track & Field

Division 1 284-Up

Division 2 149-283

Division 3 148-less

Girls Track & Field

Division 1 276-Up

Division 2 146-275

Division 3 145-less


Division 1 363-Up

Division 2 196-362

Division 3 195-less

Boys Cross Country

Division 1 301-Up

Division 2 158-300

Division 3 157-less

Girls Cross Country

Division 1 305-Up

Division 2 163-304

Division 3 162-less

Boys’ Tennis

Division 1 315-Up

Division 2 314-less

Girls’ Tennis

Division 1 302-Up

Division 2 301-less

Boys Soccer

Division 1 346-Up

Division 2 182-345

Division 3 181-less

Girls Soccer

Division 1 330-Up

Division 2 190-329

Division 3 189-less

Boys Bowling

Division 1 247-Up

Division 2 246-less

Girls Bowling

Division 1 237-Up

Division 2 236-less