Ohioans can tout what makes region so great

Published 9:15 am Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I would like to compliment all the hard working people who have made our city a place to be proud of.

It takes a lot of work to place the flowers and planters around the city. They are a source of pride for all those who not only live in Ironton but for all those that work there and that pass through our city.

It is always nice to see and hear about all those involved in the cleaning up the trash that accumulates during the year and all the wonderful folks willing to give up their time to help keep not only Ironton clean but the creeks and rivers that we in this area are so blessed to have as a great place to go and take advantage of.

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Wayne National Forest is a source of pride and a great place for those that just want to get out of the hustle and bustle of everyday living and enjoy nature.

The lake is a great place to fish, boat, kayak, walk, hike and camp during most of the year.

The Ohio River is getting cleaner and is a great place to boat, water ski and take advantage of all the water has to offer.

Lawrence County is beginning to draw a good number of area attractions during the summer such as the Lawrence County Fair, Summer Motion and many festivals that take place throughout the summer and fall.

ATV and biking are available as well as horseback riding in many areas of the county.

We have many attractions that are available to most and it is up to our residents to not only take advantage of these wonderful places to see and visit but to tell others what we have to offer.

Bernard Carter


Dog owners must show responsibility to citizens

I think there should be something done about these people who think they need to have these pitbulls and pit mix dogs in town.

Tonight I was walking my dog, (on a leash of course) and when we got to Ninth and Wyanoke, we were approached by three dogs, two of them appeared to be pit mixes.

They tore into my dog as if they were trained to. After I got my dog home, and attended his wounds, I called the IPD.

They said they’d notify the dog warden. Honestly, I doubt seriously if the dog warden will even act on it because I’ve called a few times about all the strays in my neighborhood. The very same dogs have still been running the area for over a year now. Five are on Lorain Street alone.

The cat problem is even worse.

Tim McDowell
