Online dog license sales on tap
Published 9:54 am Friday, April 15, 2011
It’s the beginning of the renovations new County Auditor Jason Stephens has planned for the auditor’s office website.
At Thursday’s meeting Lawrence County Commissioners approved entering into a contract for an online dog licensing system with Fairfield Computers Services LLC, based in Lancaster. Terms of the contract are $200 a month with an initial minimum commitment of two years and it can be canceled with a 60-day notice.
Dog licenses go on sale in Dec. 1 and can be purchased at the auditor’s office.
“This next year we will be able to do it online,” Stephens said. “People will be able to buy online and still be able to buy in the auditor’s office and at other vendors. This is one of many things we hope to do to enhance our website at the auditor’s office.”
Dan Palmer, director of the Lawrence-Scioto Solid Waste District, reported that at last week’s tire amnesty program in Burlington, 3,253 scrap tires were collected.
“We filled three tractor-trailer loads,” Palmer said.
Assisting were Fayette Township Trustees and work crews from Lawrence County Municipal Court.
Dalton Tire in Ashland, Ky., recycles them into mulch and playground covering.
In other business commissioners:
Appropriated $200,000 for foster care for Job and Family Services to supplement funds lost in a recent levy defeat;
Appointed Carrie Yaniko as a co-floodplain administrator;
Approved grass tie down lease agreement for Brian Bradley at the Lawrence County Airpark;
Hired Anthony Clark, Rebecca Dunn and Gerald Osborne as part-time EMTs at the rate of $9 an hour;
Appointed Arthur Myers to the Ironton Metropolitan Housing Authority; and
Received the weekly dog warden report where nine dogs were destroyed, two sold and one redeemed by its owner.