Help that was needed

Published 8:11 am Friday, September 20, 2019

Those driving by the Lawrence County Animal Shelter this week can see that major work is under way at the facility.

A $150,000 renovation has begun, with improvements including a makeover of the main ward, the creation of a room for puppies, an isolated dog intake room and a food preparation area. All the areas will be finished in epoxy from floor to ceiling. And the building is getting its first heating and cooling system.

The changes, the first to the shelter since 1991, are coming thanks to the help of a Columbus-based animal charity, Gigi’s Animal Rescue, which chose the local facility as an official shelter partner.

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The group saw a need in Lawrence County and has offered to help with renovations, as well as make a contribution of $3 for every $1 the Lawrence County Animal Shelter could raise through its crowdsourcing campaign.

So, for every $25 a person donates to the shelter, the facility will see a donation of $100.

This generosity is much appreciated and will go a long way to ensuring better quality of care for animals at the facility. We encourage everyone to chip in and help with this effort.

And this isn’t the first help Gigi’s has offered. Shelter director Denise Paulus says she has been working with them since she took the position in April and that the local shelter will serve as a pilot effort. Gigi’s has also helped to find homes for animals at the shelter, with its rescue groups helping with adoptions.

This has been a great help for the county and we thank Gigi’s for all they are doing for Lawrence County. Thanks to their aid, many animals will have a better life.