Shadows of things to come

Published 10:05 am Friday, December 10, 2010

As I write this I must admit that my heart is somewhat heavy with things that are weighing on my mind.

It seems to me that either I am just getting much older or things are drastically changing in our busy world. I notice on a regular basis that much of what takes place in our world today has much to do with the generation that folks in my age group shadow.

I was raised with some very strong values as a child, and a teenager. My parents were not afraid to make an impact in my life and were very firm with the idea of imposing their values in my life.

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In many ways I am a shadow of my parents as well as ministers and school teachers that were involved in my life.

Of course I did not always like what it was that adults were trying to instill in me but it still has infiltrated my life. Much of what I do and do not do were things that I have had examples laid out before me.

My parents were adamant about my understanding things about Christ and why we did not do certain things and live certain ways. They were very confident that I would need to understand these things in my life. Why? because I would be a “shadow of them” in the days that would be ahead.

Many values that are brought into question today were never questioned when I was growing up.

Church was not an option it was a way of life – Christian living was not something that was just talked about but was shown everyday.

One was not to see how far away they could live from Christ and still make it to heaven but was concerned about how close we should desire to live and make it to heaven only by Christ and His mercy and grace.

Things were not permitted in our house when I was growing up that in many homes today it has become the norm. In many ways I have become a “shadow of them then for the days that were ahead.”

Though I have not stayed true in all areas that I was raised but much of my life today is a “shadow of how I was raised.” This does somewhat concern me for the next generation if the Lord tarries His coming.

Our children are “shadows of us for the future.” Many are concerned about the National debt and rightfully so that will be imparted to our children and grandchildren.

But honestly let’s look ahead 40 years if we can! Unless something drastic happens morals will continue to bottom out – people who once raised their children to abstain from things are now participating in them and it will cost us. They are “shadows of things to come”.

Things that once were attested have become okay. The younger generation will have little or no “Christ understanding” because parents see no need to invest time in local churches.

Many coaches are more interested in winning in the game of ball instead of making an impact for life. Education reform has blocked many teachers from teaching foundational truths along with needed educational tools.

This generation will be a “shadow of things to come.” Unfortunately many ministers have become more concerned with popularity than with evangelization of the next generation.

Jeff Steele had a song out several years ago that stated “ We Want America Back” but we have proven that it is easy to speak words but in many cases we really do not want to pay the price for getting it back. It will and has had an effect on the generation that will follow me.

That will follow you! We will honestly pay the price in “Shadows Of Things To Come.” It is vital that we find away to impact our “shadows” for the right things – understand how important it is to impose values in our “Shadows Of Things To Come.”

Bryan Chaffins is pastor at Pleasant Street Church