Technology dominates changes at SP schools
Published 9:59 am Friday, August 20, 2010
SOUTH POINT — It’s taking a good thing and adding more of it. That’s what South Point schools have done for this school year.
Three years ago the district started an extensive construction project that has provided new buildings for all grades. In those new classrooms technology was a basic requirement with the interactive Smart Boards dominating the upgrade.
Now this year, the district has added to its technology by implementing the Renaissance Learn Star Reading and Star Math for grades kindergarten through 12.
“We looked at what we could do with the curriculum to improve,” Superintendent Ken Cook said.
With the Renaissance program the progress of individual students can be tracked by both their teachers and parents.
“As far as reading and math, kids can get on there and do particular assignments and it gives instance feedback to the teachers,” Cook said. “Parents also have the ability to monitor them. It’s a way for kids to improve their skills. The areas where kids are deficient, they can find ways to improve.”
For the past two years, South Point has pulled an excellent rating from the Ohio Department of Education on the statewide report card that comes out this month.
“(The Renaissance program) is a way to monitor a kid’s progress in math and reading,” the superintendent said. “We always want to improve on the academic achievement from year to year. That is our target.”
Another innovation this school year has been adding an automated callout system via the telephone.
“On days the schools are not open, we have the ability to contact all the parents or if we have special events,” Cook said. “It will expedite getting information out.”