Thank you, veterans

Published 11:31 am Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Although events throughout the country observed Veterans Day this past Friday, the service and sacrifice these brave men and women have given to their country is something we should remember every day of the year.

Each day, our veterans face difficulties we as civilians could only imagine, but coming together and being there for them is our duty.

According to data from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Ohio is home to nearly 900,000 veterans with almost 5,000 here in Lawrence County. Each of them deserves our support each day, as they gave up their normal every day lives to ensure that we have the ability to live ours freely with the rights and privileges we have today.

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Whether they served on the front lines during a conflict around the world or were stationed and served during a time of peace, we say thank you for your service.

And while we focus on the service men and women, and rightfully so, we should also thank and remember the families of our veterans as well. Each day, their families were right there with them in spirit in their service to our country.

We can never fully repay each of these men and women, but making sure we thank them every day.