Riggs leads weekly Ladies 9-Hole winners

Published 12:59 am Monday, September 12, 2016

Jim Walker



PINE GROVE — The Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association decided to stand Pat.

Pat Riggs, that is.

Riggs won two events during last week’s group outing at the Ironton Country Club.

Hostess Margaret Donley announced the day’s events and also getting wins at the Tuesday event were Rose Auble and Becky Dillow.

The Classic Tournament announced its winners. Dillow won the first flight, Connie Chamberlin won the second flight and Joyce Lewis was the third flight winner.

The group announced a pot luck with guests on Tuesday, Oct. 4, which is the last golf outing of the season for the Ladies Nine Hole League.

The Ladies Nine Hole League meets at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays for a brief business meeting and breakfast treats. Golfing events start at 9:30 followed by lunch and the announcement of winners.

Next week’s hostess is Joyce Lewis.