Website intended to be familiar, better
Published 11:04 pm Saturday, September 18, 2010
In the immortal words of baseball great Yogi Berra: It feels like déjà vu all over again.
That is a perfect way for me to describe redesigning the Tribune’s website for the third time in as many years.
I’m sure everyone has now seen that the Tribune has a new look. This is something we truly feel is a marked improvement over recent formats.
Our ultimate goal has always been to provide readers with the best viewing options and the most content, in a way that is manageable with the resources at our disposal.
We continue to offer the online newspaper as a free service and feel that is the only way to truly serve the community and all those displaced Lawrence Countians who rely on us to keep them connected with their hometowns.
Each redesign has been an improvement from the previous incarnation. This latest edition gives us more control and flexibility to grow and improve than any of its predecessors.
Over the years we have received lots of feedback and input from readers about what works and what does not.
We tried to incorporate many of those ideas into this new online format.
Is it perfect? Of course not.
Overall, I think we succeeded. But, as is always the case when doing something new, the transition hasn’t been perfect.
A number of bugs and little problems pop up after you go live with a website like this.
These are problems that didn’t occur in the test phases.
We have worked to quickly make adjustments that are necessary and our staff is still learning all the ins and outs of the software.
Some of the new features that I think people will start to enjoy is a better gallery system for photographs, more front-page stories to allow more entry points, an online calendar that will announce upcoming in events in print and on the web and a special sections feature that will allow us to upload some of the projects we do that have never made it to the digital world before.
We’ve also tried to streamline many of the processes that existed before such as submitting a letter to the editor, posting a comment, contacting us or simply finding the news that you want.
We appreciate the patience of all our readers as we fine tune the website. So far, readers have already offered tremendous feedback on the new website.
As we continue to look for ways to improve we will take this input to heart and see what we can do to improve the Tribune’s online presence.
It may feel like we have done this before but it also feels like we’re doing it better than ever before.
Michael Caldwell is publisher of The Tribune. To reach him, call (740) 532-1445 ext. 24 or by e-mail at