Volunteers are making Ironton bloom

Published 1:09 pm Friday, September 5, 2014

Ironton In Bloom is certainly a welcomed title for such an old river town. And with great pride we citizens must show and extend our appreciation to those responsible for our city to look and be better with countless hours of dedicated volunteerism — wind, rain or snow.

The bright sun rays extend from the heavens above on these fine neighbors and friends who have united for a very positive cause — to beautify our beloved city.

United we stand with pride for everyone even remotely responsible for a cleaner, prettier city. Cleanliness is a welcomed attribute within our home. It just makes you feel better driving downtown and on Park Avenue.

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The brilliant purple flowers are so beautiful.

Investors in our town — Judge O. Clark Collins and Tim Collins’ crew — must be commended for the Ironton and Coal Grove exits looking so spiffy. It is just a big welcome sign for Ironton that states, “Welcome one and all to Ironton, Ohio, our pretty city.”


Charles Duke Sheridan



Scott, Arthur reunion a success; next year planned

The Scott and Arthur reunion was held July 19 at Paul Porter Park and entertained by Alpha Jr. and Nellie Donley.

Present were Debbie and Clyde Millhouse, Wanda Bowles, Bill, Dottie, Austin, Jessica and Miraeal Robinson, Phyllis Roberts (Robinson), Mickey Kellogg, Mike and Twyla Ferguson, Ada Clay Daniels, Carolyn Daniels Hopper, Donna Cade Bonnett, Ethelmae Clutters, April Shope, P.J. Armstrong, Teana Steele, Josh Steele, Ethan Steele, Eli Steele, Sheila Bruce, James Bruce, Kimberly Bruce, Ruby Bruce, Phil and Sue Robinson, Jason, Dawn Dylan, Hunter and Tucker Collins, Phyllis Lucas, Greg and Freda Cade Mallow, Clarence E. Cade (Ed), Freda L. Cade and Dorothy “Dottie Clutters.

The next reunion will be at noon Saturday, June 13, 2015, at Paul Porter Park. Bring a covered dish, drinks and place settings.


Ethelmae Clutters