Parade marks fine tradition

Published 11:22 am Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What a legacy for our small river city: Almost 150 years of an untold number of men and women dedicating time and energy.

Every year this old town comes to life for a rich traditional service to all the men and women who served their beloved country. One hundred and forty-seven years of countless dedication spent by our brothers and sisters.

Remember fellow Irontonians, our volunteers and loved ones proudly served, with all giving some and some giving all.

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We need to thank God Almighty for our beloved veterans, living and deceased.

We veterans thank one and all for their yearly commitment to such a blessed tribute. May those who follow maintain the outstanding volunteer-centered and positive attitude. We are proud of you and Ironton anxiously awaits 150 years of such a fine city celebration.


Charles “Duke” Sheridan
