Wastewater not used in parking lot cleaning

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 16, 2014

In response to a Letter to the Editor in The Tribune over wastewater creating dangers for drivers at the McDonald’s Restaurant located on State Route 93 in Ironton.

The Environmental Health Director of the City of Ironton Health Department has conducted an inspection at the restaurant. I would first like to note that NO wastewater or gray water is being used to wash down the parking lot of the restaurant. Only water from a potable water supply is being used for this purpose. During the inspection I spoke with Angie Montroso, director of operations, for this restaurant. We discussed the process and procedures for the maintenance of the parking lot and restaurant. At the time of inspection there were no dangerous ice conditions on the parking lot and no detection of odor from cleaning the parking lot.

If anyone feels that there is a danger to public health regarding operating conditions and/or a public health concern regarding any food service operation or retail food establishment within the City of Ironton please contact the City of Ironton Health Department at 532-2172. We are located at 2120 S. Eighth St. Ironton.

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John McKean