County starts year with carryover
Published 10:19 am Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The county will start the new year with almost $100,000 more than officials had anticipated as actual carryovers in the general fund came in higher than was originally estimated in October.
In the main general fund, the actual carryover was $723,454 or $51,254 more than estimated. The half-percent sales tax fund, which covers expenses of law enforcement, 911 dispatching EMS and EMA, had an increase of $26,459 in carryover that is now at $291,459 and the fund that takes care of the auditor, treasurer, recorder and engineer now has $19,595 more in its carryover which stands at $230,082.
Actual carryover is now at $1,244,995 or a total increase of $97,305.
These figures were released during the January meeting of the county budget commission, made up of County Auditor Jason Stephens, County Treasurer Stephen Burcham and Prosecuting Attorney Brigham Anderson.
“When we close the year out, we know the actual numbers,” Chris Kline, chief deputy auditor, said. “The estimate is based on historical revenues and expenditures. We got pretty close. You are talking about $16 million (budget) and we were off by $98,000.
The extra carryover in the law enforcement fund will probably go to the sheriff’s office, Commissioner Les Boggs said.
“The other two we will have to sit down and decide,” Boggs said. “When I took over in commission in 2009 we had $150,000 carryover and $492,000 in unpaid bills. We have averaged about a million in carryover ever since. We had a lot of problems in the jail and the boiler system or (this year’s) would have been a little bit more.”
Boggs was elected by the commission as president at its Monday organizational meeting. This will be the third time he has served in that post.
“I know that times have been tough but if you look at it overall, the commission has been frugal,” he said.