Task force delivers holiday cheer

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 23, 1999

Ruth Ann Delong piled colorfully-wrapped packages in the back seat of a sheriff’s cruiser Tuesday, ready for yet another Christmas trip around the county.

Thursday, December 23, 1999

Ruth Ann Delong piled colorfully-wrapped packages in the back seat of a sheriff’s cruiser Tuesday, ready for yet another Christmas trip around the county.

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Ms. Delong, program director for the Lawrence County Domestic Violence Task Force, had already delivered about 300 toys and gifts Monday to needy children identified by area agencies and churches.

Deputy James Carter drove Ms. Delong along 156 miles of roads on his day off.

Wednesday, she expected to ship out 50 more donated toys.

"We’re doing this for good will, really," Ms. Delong said. "We’re looking for those who are just in need of a happy Christmas and that’s what it’s all about. We’re just helping."

The task force, with its Helping Hands Haven in Ironton, assists victims of domestic abuse and violence, and extends that help to the victims’ children or families.

Assistance doesn’t stop there, either, especially at Christmastime, Ms. Delong said.

The task force, through donations from area charities and individuals, is delivering toys not only to the needy but also to those who have suffered personal tragedies, she said.

"It would surprise you how many kids need help, and not all of them in domestic violence situations," she said.

Victims were helped, too, but the task force received an overwhelming bunch of names of those who need help through churches, teachers, the sheriff’s department and others, Ms. Delong said.

The task force is providing two families with Christmas dinner and will continue to wrap presents the rest of the week.

"We greatly appreciate having been able to help so many children," Ms. Delong said.

The groups and individuals donating to the task force’s Christmas present project should be thanked, she said.

Groups donating gifts included Toys for Tots, Grandma’s Gifts (a local non-profit charity), Church Women United, the First Presbyterian women’s group, Wal-Mart of Burlington and a South Point church women’s group.

Individual donations came from Judge and Mrs. Frank McCown, and a local family who made theirs a special gift, Ms. Delong said.

The family decided instead of buying gifts for each other for the annual get-together, all of them brought one gift to donate to the shelter, she said.

It’s when everyone takes special time to think of others that Christmas cheer is spread so well, Ms. Delong added.