Wait out this drought by conserving water

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 3, 2000

Without rain or heavy snowfall, Lawrence County could be in a lot of trouble when spring hits.

Thursday, February 03, 2000

Without rain or heavy snowfall, Lawrence County could be in a lot of trouble when spring hits. It takes water to make water and we definitely have not received more than we’ve used this past year.

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The depletion of the area’s water tables is a serious problem and each of us need to do our part to conserve what is there before it runs out.

Without an adequate water supply, wells will dry out and crops will be damaged. This touches everyone.

Water is needed to ensure a good hay crop. Who eats hay? Cows eat hay. And we definitely eat our share of hamburgers. Dry wells result from a lack of water. And a drastic emergency could cause tax dollars to be used to purchase canned water to distribute to those in need.

Most food in the grocery store comes from a farm. Either directly or indirectly, one or more ingredients are grown fresh. Without water, the crops will fail. Not only will prices increase, but selection will be low and some farmers may be forced to sell a part of their heritage.

Something can be done to prevent this from happening, though. Conservation is necessary.

If everyone saves a little now, maybe we can wait this drought out. It has to rain some time.