IBA sets Christmas parade lineup

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 25, 2000

Spectators will line the streets of Ironton Monday evening to watch Santa visit the Ironton Christmas Parade.

Saturday, November 25, 2000

Spectators will line the streets of Ironton Monday evening to watch Santa visit the Ironton Christmas Parade.

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The Ironton Business Association has scheduled the annual parade for 7 p.m., IBA Co-president Lou Pyles said.

"The parade route will begin at Railroad Street and run down Second Street to Adams Street," she said. "From Adams, it goes to Third Street and proceeds up to Center Street where it turns to Fourth Street and ends at Fourth and Railroad streets."

Children will want to stop by the IBA office at 202 Park Ave., for a visit with Santa after the parade, too.

Paradewatchers can expect to see many floats, local high school bands and several shiny fire trucks during the hour-long event, which includes:

DIVISION ONE with Frank McCown serving as commander:

– The division will organize at Second and Railroad streets with the VFW Post 8850 Color Guard leading, followed by the "We Believe" parade banner; Ironton High School Marching Band; Tommy Tipton as the parade’s Grand Marshal; Ironton Mayor Bob Cleary; Cyndi’s School of Dance; the Taco Bell Float; and the Ironton Eagles/Celtics cheerleaders, respectively.

DIVISION TWO with Mark Compston serving as commander:

– The division will organize on Railroad Street behind Division One with the Ironton Junior High School Marching Band leading, followed by the Yvonne DeKay School of Dance’s 100 students and truck; the Open Door School Bell Choir float; L’LA Nanny Farms; Rock Hill No. 2 Brownie Troop 982; and Girl Scout Troops 1258 and 1290 float, respectively.

DIVISION THREE with Les Boggs serving as commander:

– The division will organize beside the Post Office on Fourth Street with the Coal Grove High School Marching Band leading, followed by the Coal Grove varsity cheerleaders; the Coal Grove Middle School cheerleaders; the WEMM Radio car and truck; Baby Miss Fourth of July 2000 winner Kaitlyn Boggs; and three Hecla Water Association floats, respectively.

DIVISION FOUR with Marvin and Nancy Black serving as co-commanders:

– The division will organize in front of Taco Bell on Fourth Street with the Rock Hill High School Marching Band leading, followed by the Rock Hill Middle School cheerleaders; America’s Ideal Miss winner Shelby Dalton; the FOX 107.1 Radio entry; the Rock Hill No. 2 cheerleaders; and five cars with the Tiny, Little, Junior, Overall and Supreme Miss Ohio winners, respectively.

DIVISION FIVE with Jason Stephens serving as commander:

– The division will organize from Fourth and Railroad streets to Fifth and Railroad streets with the South Point High School Marching Band leading, followed by the Lawrence County Military Order of Purple Hearts float; Central Christian Church Girl Scout Troops 700 and 990; and two trucks from the Ironton Fire Department, respectively.

DIVISION SIX with Lou Pyles and J.D. Carey serving as co-commanders:

– The division will organize on the One-Stop lot behind Taco Bell and will include Santa and all his little helpers. This division will conclude the parade.