KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission elects new chairman
Published 10:09 am Wednesday, March 17, 2010
HUNTINGTON, W.Va — Kyova Interstate Planning Commission conducted its election of officers at the March 12, meeting at the Marshall Hall of Fame Café in Huntington.
The Honorable Scott Bias, Cabell County Commission, Chair of the Nominating Committee reported the recommendations of the Committee nominating the following slate of officers: Jason Stephens, Chairman, Scott Bias, Vice Chairman, the Honorable David Lynd, Lawrence County Engineer, Secretary, the Honorable Robert Pasley, President Wayne County Commission, treasurer. Approval was unanimous.
Commissioner Stephens succeeds Commissioner Bias as chairman of the KYOVA. Officers are elected for two-year terms.
Other business of the meeting was a review and discussion of active transportation projects and a report on the State of West Virginia Transportation Plan by the consulting firm, Wilbur Smith & Associates.
A public meeting on that plan was held last week in Huntington at the Transit Authority Transfer Facility on Fourth Avenue.
KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission. is the metropolitan planning organization for the urban area surrounding Ironton and Huntington, W.Va.
The organization is responsible for transportation planning in the area, including that for highways, transit, marine, air and freight sectors.
The organization provides technical support to member communities to fulfill responsibilities to federal and state governments for planning and project funding. Michele Prestera Craig is the executive director of KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission.