Missing dog leads to resignation of humane agent

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 15, 2001

Who let the dog out? That’s the question that has led to the resignation of Lawrence County humane agent Don Clark.

Monday, October 15, 2001

Who let the dog out? That’s the question that has led to the resignation of Lawrence County humane agent Don Clark.

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Clark said a trial was held in October at the county’s Municipal Court in Chesapeake, stemming from a dog abuse investigation he headed earlier this year. He said the dog was removed from the home on June 24.

On Oct. 5, the court ordered the humane society to return the dog to the the owner, but trouble began when Clark went to the shelter to take the dog back to its owner.

"I had been told before the trial that the dog was in a temporary foster home," and not housed at the shelter. Clark said. "I was told at the shelter by the woman who is recognized at this time as the shelter director that the location of the dog was known only to a few of the LCHS members and that they were not going to give the dog back to the defendant."

Clark said he resigned from his job effective on Oct. 23. He said "my reason for resigning is that I can’t work with a group with members who would put themselves above the law." He said the members that allegedly;y hid the dog show a "complete lack of respect for the court."

Clark said he believes the majority of the humane society is innocent of the act and "honestly don’t know the whereabouts of this animal." He said, "the really sad part of this is that the radical, disrespectful actions of a few will probably cast a shadow on the group as a whole."

Judge Donald Capper said he was not aware of the situation and a complaint would need to be filed. He said a hearing would then be held to determine, which could result in a contempt charge from the court.

Calls were made to the humane society shelter this morning, but a recorded message said the shelter did not open until 1 p.m. Calls were also made to the Prosecuting Attorneys office.
