Commercial helps Ironton promotions
Published 12:00 am Monday, January 28, 2002
Ironton’s getting a little air play and publicity for free, thanks to a grant received through the Community Action Agency.
Monday, January 28, 2002
Ironton’s getting a little air play and publicity for free, thanks to a grant received through the Community Action Agency.
The grant, said Ironton Mayor Bob Cleary, paid $12,500 and at $10 a pop for each commercial, Cleary said people from surrounding communities will see what the city has to offer.
"The commercial is 100-percent funded," Cleary said, without spending any city money.
Cleary said the city made four different commercials and the Ironton Business Association is trying to sell advertising spots to local businesses to promote city merchants.
"It’s a win-win situation," Cleary said about the plan to couple the city’s promotion while promoting local businesses.
"We’re getting the word out…that Ironton’s a good community to live in," he said.
Cleary said the commercial plays on the Adelphia Cable channels in the company’s viewing area. The commercial is also reaching all age groups and people with different interests, playing on ESPN, MTV and the History Channel.
"The commercial just isn’t playing in Ironton…We’re not singing to the choir," Cleary said.
"We’ve had a lot of compliments," he added.
Cleary said the commercial just isn’t used for television broadcasts. The commercial, he explained, also goes along with the promotion packet the city sends out to companies looking to relocate.
Council chairman Jesse Roberts said the commercial is a "positive step" for Ironton showing that the city has a "positive attitude." He said the commercials provide an opportunity for the city to "showcase what we have to offer."
Roberts said, "the Adelphia service covers a large part of Southern Ohio…(the commercial) gives people surrounding us the chance to see what we have and that we are trying to progress."