Briggs Library kicking off Family History Month
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 4, 2002
The United States Senate recently declared October Family History Month. In celebration, the Briggs Lawrence Library is offering a series of classes for those who want to explore their family tree, but aren't quite sure how and where to start their search.
"We're going to teach people how to get started," said Martha Kounse, the library's genealogy and local history manager. "We're going to go over step by step how to do it correctly, what is available on the internet, all the do's and dont's of finding information. "
Kounse said genealogy is a popular past time, and she expects it will become even more popular as baby boomers get older and have more free time on their hands.
"As they get older, they may realize that this is a legacy they can leave their children and grandchildren, stories about their parents and grandparents."
Kounse estimates that 200-300 people a year visit the library's Hamner Genealogy Room in search of information about their family tree.
"We have one man who comes once a year from San Antonio, Texas. He had family here. He comes and stays a couple of days," Kounse said. "We have had people come from all over the country. There's even a man in Ireland who had family here, and has asked for help getting information."
The first class on Saturday will focus on using courthouse records to get family information. Subsequent classes will focus on using the internet in your family history search and using the library's interlibrary loan service.
For more information about the classes, you may call Kounse at 532-1124.