Proper school leader critical to our future
Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 9, 2003
Tribune Staff
A serious challenge faces the city of Ironton and its future. And it is an issue on which every Ironton resident should focus -- the selection of the new Ironton City Schools superintendent.
At first glance this may seem like only another governmental appointment, one that has little actual bearing on the status quo. People who think in such a way are the same ones who believe their vote doesn't really matter too much during elections, so they simply choose to stay home.
In reality, choosing the next superintendent for the Ironton school district is a critical decision. By state testing standards, Ironton's schools are already deemed very good and showing signs of getting even better. The person who fills that office has the potential to lead the district to even further greatness.
Ask anyone in Ironton what the city needs most and many will say "jobs, jobs, jobs." It's true; things could be much better, economically. But we fear some people may overlook the importance of having a strong, thriving public school system in place to attract potential investors into our community.
Members of the school board agree on the importance and are seeking someone with vision and with the fiscal aptitude to lead the district to new heights during what promises to be a period of statewide economic turmoil.
Long-term, the issue in question may prove more important than the closing of Ironton Iron and River Valley Health Systems combined.
As citizens and taxpayers, become involved in the process. Communicate your feelings to the school board and come together to work for our children -- and our city's future.
Jobs may be the immediate needs, but strengthening our education system is a great means to that end. Finding the perfect leader for the school district is a great place to begin.