Parade committee invites national radio personality

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Glenn Beck is planning a "Rally for America" in Huntington, W.Va., May 24. That's the Saturday before the Ironton-Lawrence County Memorial Day Parade. Parade committee members are hoping Beck can be persuaded to stay a few more days.

"Wouldn't it be nice if he could do his program from the parade"? committee member Frank McCown said. McCown will call Beck's office and discuss the idea with the host or his associates.

Beck broadcasts his program weekdays from 9 a.m. til noon. It is heard locally on WVHU-AM 800 in Huntington.

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According to information on his website,, Beck describes himself as a "Mormon whose politics lean toward libertarian but also promotes traditional family values."

One statement on his website defended America's war with Iraq by saying "We believe that while America may have made mistakes in the past with our foreign policy, no policy warrants an act of terror on any countries civilian population. We believe that America is justified in a military response on any country found to support international terrorism."

His rally in Huntington will be the last of more than a dozen rallies through the nation.

Also this year, there will be a parade float devoted to public officials. McCown said South Point Mayor Bill Gaskin expressed interest in being in the lineup, but the mayor indicated he may not be able to walk the entire parade route. A decorated flatbed truck will allow public officials to take part and opt out of the long walk, if necessary.