Have a voice: Cast your vote Tuesday

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 31, 2003

Tribune editorial staff

On Tuesday, Lawrence County voters will have a lot of important decisions to make.

Whether it is voting for a mayor, council members, school board members or deciding on levies or issues, everyone in the county can find something on the ballot that directly affects them. That is why it is crucial we all get out and vote.

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As cliche as it may be, voting is one of our greatest privileges as Americans. So many other countries do not give their residents the right to select who will make critical decisions on their behalf. Not going to the polls, in many people's minds, is nothing more than apathy.

The fact of the matter is, if you do not cast your vote, you should not complain about those who are elected to represent you. Some may say "one vote does not make a difference," but if each of those people who believe in that philosophy would cast a vote, the outcome of an election could change - particularly in a close race.

On Sunday, The Ironton Tribune's editorial board will endorse candidates in the races for Ironton and Coal Grove mayor and council seats. These will be the people who we feel will best represent the communities. We have conducted sit-down interviews with the candidates and will base our decisions, primarily, on those interviews.

We have asked the candidates similar questions, such as what they feel they can do to improve their community, what kind of new ideas they will bring to the table and how they will attempt to implement those ideas. In the end, we will endorse the individuals we believe are the best person for the office.

What is more important, however, is who you, as residents of those communities, feel will best represent you. Even if you do not agree with our selections, we encourage you to find the time to go to the polls Tuesday. We would much rather have you vote for a candidate who we did not endorse than not vote at all.