Ironton teens to take part in 30-hour famine to raise money, hunger awareness

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 6, 2004

When you think of teenagers getting together for the weekend, what first comes to mind may be pizza parties and trips to McDonald's.

However, 20 young

people at the First Baptist Church of Ironton will forego food next weekend in an effort to raise money to help others.

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The young people will take part in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine. Those who take part agree to fast for 30 hours in order to experience real hunger. Sponsors will pay them for their participation.

"We decided as a youth group that we wanted to be like Jesus as much as possible," First Baptist Youth Pastor Eric Barnes said.

"We not only want to share the gospel but help people. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus."

Barnes said the goal is for each participant to raise $360, which is what it would take to feed a child in an underdeveloped country for one year.

"Twenty-nine thousand children die from hunger and other problems, but it only takes $30 to feed and care for a hungry child a month," Barnes said. "When I do the 30 Hour Famine I know that I can make a difference and change the lives of children forever."

Funds raised will go to help people in Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi, which have been devastated by HIV/AIDS, as well as other countries throughout the world.

The young people will also go door-to-door on Saturdays during February, soliciting donations of canned goods for local food kitchens. Anyone wanting to participate in the 30 Hour famine or donate to the cause may contact Barnes at 532-1240.

Barnes said the work of God includes service to mankind. "We are put on this earth to glorify God and we can glorify God by caring for each other and loving each other the way God has loved and cared for us, and by giving the way God gives to us."