Ironton schools keep eye on camera phones

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 29, 2004

Cellular phones are as common these days on school campuses as backpacks and Palm Pilots. The latest gotta-have gizmo has a camera built in that allows the user to take a photograph and then immediately send that photo to whomever they call with the phone.

One Ironton school board member has expressed concern about students

bringing cell phones have cameras built into them to school.

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Teresa Parker said she is concerned about privacy issues that may spring up when one student brings a camera-phone to school and is able to snap and photographs of others students without their knowledge.

"We do have a cell phone policy in place but I don't know if it speaks directly to the issue of those that take pictures," Parker said. "We might need to update our policy."

Ironton City Schools allow high school students to bring cell phones to school with them, but must keep them turned off during the school day. Students are also prohibited from receiving calls or making any calls except in an emergency.

Parker said she was prompted to bring up the matter after reading an article in a communique from the Ohio State School Boards Association.

Also Thursday evening, the board scheduled its September meeting for 5 p.m. Sept.16

at Whitwell Elementary.