County’s vision plan only increases monthly cost by two pennies

Published 10:13 am Monday, March 12, 2012



There will be a two-cent increase in the county’s vision plan after the commissioners approved a renewal with its current insurance carrier.

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At its regular Thursday meeting Vision Service Plan was chosen to provide coverage from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2014. The new premium will be $8.01 per person, up from $7.99 with a $25 copay.

Commission President Les Boggs also reported that since the adoption of the prescription discount card program 766 county residents have used the plan getting 2,037 prescriptions for a savings of $23,637.

“Sometimes we hear people say they have to choose between food and medicine,” Boggs said. “Since saving money with this, it has made a difference. The price of medicine can be very expensive.”

In other business the commission:

• Approved a $10,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Safety to fund overtime for the sheriff’s office;

• Approved design work for resurfacing County Roads 1 and 4.