Rock Hill forming alumni band
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 3, 2005
ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP- It's an opportunity to toot your horn again, or maybe strike your cymbal.
Rock Hill Band Director Scott Jones said plans are underway now to create a Rock Hill Alumni Marching Band.
It would be unique: No other high school in Lawrence County offers such an extended fellowship to its former band members. Only the Ceredo-Kenova High School in West Virginia has ever been successful at keeping such an idea going for long.
The idea came about after a former band member approached Assistant Band Director Rhonda Pemberton with the idea.
"The C-K Alumni Band does the parade every year. What I'd like to see is us try to do something for homecoming," Jones said.
The alumni band would meet regularly and possible perform at school functions.
In the early 1990s, Rock Hill was known for its talented band. Pemberton said she hopes some of those musicians who enjoyed their high school years will remember the magic and pick up those instruments again.
"Your musical experiences never end," Pemberton said. "Don't be afraid you're too old," Pemberton said. "We're looking for the oldest former band members and the ones who graduated just last year."
Those interested may contact Pemberton or Jones at the band office by calling 532-8052, extension 2119.