New OUS students to learn the ropes

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 14, 2005

Though college may be a daunting new world, OUS students won't be navigating it alone.

A crop of new students will get their first look at college life on Ohio University Southern's campus Thursday, and Dr. Kim Keffer, director of admissions, said students should be prepared for a new way of life.

"Students often think that it's going to be very much like high school, and it isn't," Keffer said. "It's a very different world, and we want students to have all the tools they need."

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Thursday's orientation will be about learning the ropes, first from OUS teachers telling the students what they need to know, then OUS students passing along all the tips they've learned.

After orientation, new students will be able to do anything from register for classes like pros to small things like finding classes.

Keffer said that OUS attempts to make orientation fun with a cook-out. It lets students begin to form friendships that could last throughout their education.

"When they come to orientation, they meet other students, and so those friendships, and that support system of people on campus begins for them at that time," Keffer said.

Students won't be the only ones getting a crash course in college life, parents will also have a class to let

them know what they can expect.

Student Steven Perkey doesn't recall much about his OUS orientation two quarters ago but there are some lessons that have stuck with him.

"Yeah, I learned where the library was, and the computer lab, stuff like that," Perkey said.

Perhaps just as important as the specific lessons the orientation teaches is the sense of confidence with which it leaves students.

"That's certainly our hope," Keffer said. "When you feel like you have the knowledge you need, and the information you need, generally speaking, people feel more comfortable."

Besides being a good idea, orientation is a requirement at OUS. Students must complete either the July or August orientation sessions.

Although Thursday will be an all-day event for newbies, students who are simply transferring to OUS have evening orientations.

Students will have one more chance at a session on Aug. 11, but can still register for the July session by calling (740)-533-4602.