Groups filling void to offer hot meals

Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 22, 2012

It was less than one month ago that the Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization was forced to put the brakes on its Meals on Wheels program.

Already two local organizations are rising to the challenge to help provide meals for those in need.

First, the Area Agency on Aging District 7 stepped up to institute a program that has allowed most Lawrence Countians on the Wheels program to keep getting meals.

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Home-Delivered Meals is a service that is provided to eligible seniors nationwide through federal funding. The AAA7 contracts with agencies and organizations to provide in-home services, including home-delivered meals, to those seniors who qualify.

Now, Sharon Baptist Church in Ironton has created its “The Real Meal” program that will provide a hot lunch the third Saturday of every month. The hope is that this can grow into every weekend. The Ironton City Welfare Mission serves hot meals through the week.

These programs will help fill the void created by stopping the Meals on Wheels program and both go a long way toward addressing a need in our community.

One of the many characteristics that makes our area so special is the compassionate spirit that always shines through.

We applaud these groups for their efforts and the willingness to try to make a difference.

It is very easy to sit on the sidelines and talk about all that is wrong in our community. It is far more powerful to stand up and get involved.