Four file write-in papers in Athalia
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 3, 2005
ATHALIA - No one originally filed for the jobs, but the four open seats on the Athalia Village Council may be filled on Election Day thanks to four write-in candidates.
“Four people have put in as write-in candidates for village council positions,” Athalia Mayor Ron McClintock said Tuesday.
According to the Lawrence County Board of Elections, Shelia Chapman, Jimmy Chapman, Joe Webb and Christine Webb have all decided to be write-in candidates.
Because the four are running unopposed, they only need to receive one vote to be elected into office.
A write-in candidate is a resident who does not file a petition, but goes to the board of elections, pays a filing fee and becomes a write-in candidate on the election ballot.
McClintock said that some of the write-in candidates have held office before but for others it will be a first time seeking political office.
“Some have been on there before and some of them it is new too, so we'll have to see how they all work together,” McClintock said.