Christmas spirit can last all year long

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Santa Claus has packed his sleigh, hitched his reindeer and headed back to the North Pole but that doesn’t mean he took all the holiday cheer with him.

Christmas has come and gone, leaving mountains of wrapping paper, interesting gifts and holiday bills in its wake. Too often, in the days following the event, Americans put the season and holiday spirit in the rearview. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

No, we aren’t telling you to keep your Christmas lights or those inflatable decorations in your yard until spring. But we do hope that each and every one of us can keep the giving spirit of the holidays in our hearts long past New Year’s Eve and right through the calendar until next year.

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Christmas brings out the best in many people as they volunteer their time to help those less fortunate, give generously to worthy causes and just generally try to spread holiday cheer.

Sadly that often gets packed away with the stockings and decorations. We urge every Lawrence Countian and every human being to pick up the challenge of keeping the holiday spirit going all year long.

It is easy to do and many people are probably already doing it without even realizing. Be a little nicer to others. Take a few minutes each and every day to spend time with loved ones. Help someone in their time of need. Sit and think about the true meaning of Christmas and how this can be continued.

Think about the difference that could be made if the love and unity often seen in December could be built upon for the rest of the year. We each have the power to make a difference. It is often the small, random act of kindness that alter lives in the most profound ways.

Ol’ Saint Nick’s job may only be a one-nighter but for the rest of us, spreading the holiday spirit should continue the other 364 days of the year.