Worst GOP candidate still better than Obama

Published 9:33 am Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mr. Jim Crawford’s assessment on the Republican debate is laughable. Yes, some hot air was told by the group. Some was true, some were half truths and some were outright lies.

However, let us look at the alternative to President Obama. He ran on change — change for the better — not what we now have.

My question is this. Why are you blaming the Republicans when you had a Democratic President, House of Representatives and the Senate totally controlled by Demccrats?

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Still, here are some of the changes that he has put us under.

First, let’s look at the debt that we now have and what we had when he took office.

Bush left us in debt $10.5 trillion dollars, up $5 trillion from when he took office for eight years. Bush did some things that no one liked but President Obama, in less than 39 months, has raised that amount to $14.5 trillion dollars.

Unemployment was at 7.8 percent at the end of Bush era. Obama said if we would allow the stimulus, unemployment wouldn’t go to 8 percent. However, it went and remains over 9 percent with his “shovel ready jobs” which never happened.

When he took office remember what gasoline prices were at the start of 2009? Well if you check what they were, it was $1.65 a gallon. They are now over $3.60 a gallon and he wants them to go to $7 a gallon.

Look at Obamacare. It was his plan that cut $500 billion out of Medicare, not the Republicans. Not a one voted for this or had anything to do with his “Obamacare.” The back door deals to get the drug companies on board cost the senior citizens more for drugs that used to be tier one, no co-pay to go to tier three 20 percent co pay.

Boy, do I really like this Obamacare.

His plan is to break America. If our Congress goes along with him we are all sunk.

Medicare, Social Security, electric prices, (no use of coal in electric plants) and food prices will all rise.

So I say, “Yeah, go Obama, sell us another bill of goods.”

You dyed-in-the-wool Democrats will not be able to blame his failure on Bush because he has been out of office for more than 39 months, and Obama’s acts are his own.

He has often put our country down when speaking to other nations. If it wasn’t for the blood shed by our troops in WWII, many of the nations would now be speaking German, or at best not English nor Spanish.

How easy it is to forget the lives lost in these wars and degrade our country. The Republicans’ worst candidate will be an improvement over who we now have.

Homer Campbell


The Friends Of Coy Bacon wish to thank Ironton High School Superintendent Dean Nance and Athletic Director and Head Basketball Coach Mark LaFon for all of their help with our signature drive to collect signatures on uur petition for the induction and enshrinement of Coy Bacon into the Professional Football Hall Of Fame.

We collected 156 signatures at the Ironton vs. Russell football game on 9/2/11 .

We also wish to say a special thanks to Delbert and Loretta Dixon and to all those who signed our petition.

You can sign it at www.ipetitions.com/petition/coybaconforthehall/

Glenn Robinson


Friends Of Coy Bacon
