ChiliFest packs them in (WITH GALLERY)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 27, 2025

Annual DD event brings in hundreds

COAL GROVE — It was packed throughout Open Door School on Saturday as at the community came out in droves for the annual ChiliFest.

“We are very happy with the turnout,” said Julie Monroe, superintendent with Lawrence County DD, “We’ve got a lot of people from the community and people with developmental disabilities, so it is a chance to interact. And it is a chance for people to come in and see our facilities. And it is a good experience for both.”

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One of the students, Allen, who was acting as emcee for the event and other students were helping out where they could.

And Monroe was having a good time.

“I am! It is so good to see everyone,” she said. “And the chili is really good. My favorite part is the wonderful chili and all the vendors.”

There were 20 different groups offering up their best chili to both support the school fundraiser and to get bragging rights.

Those tasked to judge the 20 entries this year were Lawrence County auditor Paul David Knipp, Lawrence County Probate Judge Patricia Sanders, Big John and Bill Cornwell from Kindred Communications and Lawrence County Commissioner Colton Copley.

This is the fifth or sixth year that Copley has been a judge.

He said the Open Door school does a great job with the funding they have and that he appreciated that fundraisers like Chilifest brings out the community and the kids and adults that use the Lawrence County DD programs.

“I do like to come here and have great chili, but the real thing is coming out to raise money to support their budget. It is much needed,” he said.

And as a long-time chili judge, what is his secret to picking the best.

“You just take them one at a time,” he said, adding he created a number system so he can keep track. Although, he favors the more traditional chili.

“I am a traditional guy,” he said. “I enjoy the chicken chilis, but I find myself leaning to the traditional flavor. I think growing up, going to elementary school here in southern Ohio, I remember the traditional chili with a peanut butter sandwich. That’s the one I kind of end up leaning towards.”

There were also a couple dozen vendors on hand selling everything from candy to popcorn to syrup to crafts.

“We have vendors all over the school,” Monroe said. “This year, we have local honey and local maple syrup. We have all kinds of Easter candies. You could come here and shop early for Easter.”