What are the Most Common Reasons That Make People Move Out?

Published 3:08 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

A Forbes analysis of moving trends and statistics revealed that 28.2 million Americans moved in 2022. In 2023, this number saw about 10% decline to 25.6 million Americans moving. However, the current moving rate in the U.S. still sits at 12.6%.


Further trends analysis revealed that 18% of these moves in 2023 crossed the state line and that people were moving mostly south to cities like Florida. 

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Between 2020 and 2022, most Americans who moved (about 2 million people) left the urban centers for the suburbs or countryside. 


All these stats of relocation begs the question, “Why do people move?” 


What could be the driving force that compels one to pack up and seek out life in a different location? Well, let’s get a breakdown of some of the most common reasons people decide to hit the road and move out.


  1. Chasing Job Dreams and Career Growth

For many, ‘Go where the opportunity takes you’ means packing your bags and heading to greener professional pastures. 


Would you move if you land your dream job but realize it’s halfway across the country? 


If your career advancement involves having to head or manage a department in another location, most people will relocate to make the most of the opportunity. 


A good number of relocations are career-driven. Companies also know this game well. They offer juicy relocation packages to attract top talent from other places. 


Better salary, more work benefits, career advancement, or even a total career change are some of the answers to ‘Why do people move to cities?’ — These cities are where these opportunities are concentrated, anyway.


So, if the thought of a corner office or a bigger paycheck excites you, moving might be a small price to pay for big career leaps.


  1. Weather and the Environment

If you think weather is not a huge factor in why people move, you probably haven’t battled blizzards or sweating through scorching summers. 


If you have, you might start dreaming of more comfortable weather elsewhere. 


Some people move solely for better climates. Why do people move when they have sunny skies, mild winters, or less humidity? They wouldn’t. But climate is not just about comfort; it can also impact your health. 


Moving to a place with cleaner air or a more suitable climate is a priority for those with respiratory issues or medical conditions. 


Moreover, some people look for environments that bring them closer to nature. 


Suppose you prefer the coastal living of Florida with a more suburban lifestyle, the premier movers in Jacksonville will be hearing from you. But if the Appalachian mountains and similar landscape appeal to you, the West is more your turf.


  1. The Pull of Family and Relationships

Which of the following is a reason people might move? Family, career, climate, or for the thrill? There’s no denying that family and relationships have a way of shaping where you live. 


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 26.5% of moves pertain to family matters. 


Sometimes, it’s about being closer to aging parents, siblings, or extended family. Other times, it’s a shared decision between partners or spouses who seek a new life together. 


Some people even relocate to start their own families in more family-friendly places or have great schools. For many, there’s always a job and good weather wherever there’s family.


  1. Affordability

Raise your hand if you have ever looked at your rent and thought, “There has to be a cheaper place to live.” 


The cost of living is one of the most practical and common reasons for moving.


Different reasons bordering on affordability compel people to seek out better living circumstances on a more comfortable budget. It could be high rent, soaring home prices, or expensive everyday essentials. 


The financial strain of living in certain areas can prompt you to relocate. In most cases, housing is often the biggest expense for most people. So, moving to a state, city, or neighborhood where homes are more affordable can make a huge difference. 


The American Housing Survey (AHS)’s findings reveal why and how people relocate for housing.


  • 18% of people move to reduce housing costs,
  • Between 2021 and 2023, 30% of renters moved to become homeowners,
  • 39% of people who moved upgraded their home quality (space and features),
  • About 31% of previous homeowners moved for better homes or to a desirable neighborhood.


Affordability is a leading relocation motivation that does not pertain solely to housing costs. Lower property taxes, cheaper utilities, and lower grocery prices all add up. Not to mention income taxes, healthcare, and transportation costs. 


Cities with no income tax are favored more than those with taxes. For seniors and the retired, a location with affordable or well-structured healthcare plans is better suited for their living conditions.


  1. Education

Furthering your studies is a primary reason most people move for the first time in their lives. 


Over 40% of new college students leave home to pursue knowledge. However, it’s not just about college students moving to campus, although that’s a big part of it. 


Why do people move for education? 


You could be on the search for top-notch schools for your kids or decide to go back to school to chase a new degree in a place with better educational opportunities.


College towns and cities with renowned universities often see an influx of students from all over the world. 


Plus, lots of people move to attend specialized programs, get new certifications, or simply surround themselves with better resources for personal growth.


  1. Lifestyle Changes — Embracing New Cultures and Experiences

Have you ever felt like the city you live in just doesn’t match your personality? You are not alone. 


Some people tend to move because they are looking for a lifestyle that better aligns with their values and interests. For instance, you could be an artist looking for a creative community or a family searching for kid-friendly activities. 


Where you live has a massive impact on how you live!


It may seem superficial, but the desire for different or new cultures is a valid reason to seek relocation. Moving somewhere new can open up a portal into a whole different world of experiences. 


Think about it: different local cultures, traditions, and social scenes. You may even pick up regional hobbies that can shape your daily life. 


Another moving trend is people moving from urban to suburban cities. Why do people move in this way? It could be for any of the above reasons or simply a craving for a quieter life. 



Lifestyle moves are all about finding that perfect balance between work, after-work life, and personal growth.


Bottom Line

Why do people move? 


Beyond the high cost of living being a major reason, other factors such as leveraging a booming economy for better job opportunities, family, and education all factor in. 


Good weather conditions or just seeking new adventures can also be motivating factors for relocation. These reasons vary in order of priority for different individuals. 


Regardless of which comes first, moving out to a location that matches your lifestyle preferences and budget or delivers your career aspirations is the way to go when you are no longer satisfied with your current residence.