Ohio needs to maximize drilling for oil, natural gas

Published 5:00 am Friday, June 21, 2024

Here in Ohio, we have an abundance of natural resources below our soil.
We hear all over the national news the need to produce, maximize and drill for our own oil and natural gas here in the states.
Depending on which part of the state you are in, Ohioans are blessed with the ability to do so and the time to do it is now.
The energy crisis plays a huge role in the inflation issue we are facing throughout America.
The costs of consumer goods are becoming unaffordable for the average consumer.
I believe energy exploration will lead to an increase in jobs and tax revenue and a decrease in the costs of gas, manufactured goods and food across our state.
Having worked in the trades for my entire career, I see how many skilled Ohioans we have who are looking for work.
Energy exploration would create thousands of jobs and pump money back into the pockets of hardworking people.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an ally in our own United States senator, Sherrod Brown.
Sherrod and President Biden have been attacking American energy opportunities and working to slow down and eliminate our ability to produce low-cost natural gas. We can’t afford to sit back and continue to support an administration that is holding us back as a nation.
I have been following United States Senate candidate Bernie Moreno’s campaign and attended a few of his events.
I am impressed by his plan to push this country towards energy independence. The time is now for energy exploration and production.
I know several people who would flock to the regions of the states doing so to fill up jobs which would in turn stimulate their local economies.
We must come together as a state and encourage our lawmakers to support not only Ohio but this country’s energy independence!

Steve Sydow

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