Impact Prevention hosts ‘Party in the Parks’

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 19, 2024

By Joseph DiCristofaro
The Ironton Tribune

Children seeking fun activities over summer break had to go no further than Etna Street Park on June 11 at the “Party in the Parks” event put on by Impact Prevention.
“We got pickleball, vendors, face painting, our first responders are here. Just a free fun event,” said Eddie Neel of Impact Prevention.
The event featured many elementary-aged activities for young people, such as face painting, free food, Kona ice, police cars and fire trucks. Impact Prevention hosts the first responders to help build healthy relationships with the youth.
“It’s a free fun event to get kids outside during the summer for drug-free activities to connect with other youth, and get families involved,” Neel said.
Impact Prevention uses such events as these to promote healthy relationships with first responders as well as to give the youth fun drug-free activities. Included in the fun was a drug-free pledge chain bracelet that children could participate in making.
“Our first responders are here. We got the fire department, EMS, the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and the prosecutors office,” Neel said. “They’re doing a drug-free pledge chain bracelet.”
The morning was packed full of events and games for children and plenty of chances to get their pictures taken in the first responder’s vehicles.
“The first responders are a key part of our summer interactions, trying to build some positive rapport with our first responders,” Neel said. “The kids get up there and get their pictures taken, get a high five and sometimes the first responders have giveaways.
The event held at Etna Street Park was the first of eight events to be held this summer in Lawrence and Scioto Counties. The next “Party in the Park” will be held on June 18 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at South Point Park in South Point.

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