Virtual stroke support group to meet on May 26
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 22, 2021
PORTSMOUTH — Southern Ohio Medical Center will offer a Virtual Stroke Support Group for stroke patients as well as family members of stroke survivors. The group will meet on Wednesday, May 26 at 10 am.
The Virtual Stroke Support seeks to help stroke survivors rebuild their lives through education, tips on daily living and recovery. SOMC Rehabilitation Care Unit Nurse Manager Regina Keller will lead the group in the next meeting. She will cover the topic of stroke risk factors.
“Recovery from a stroke can be difficult, and it’s important we do everything we can to give the patients the support they need,” Director of SOMC Rehab Care Regina Keller said. “It’s also hard on their families, though. Family members also need to know that there are resources available for them, so they can better understand their loved one’s condition and how they can overcome their obstacles together.”
Stroke survivors may experience a variety of challenges, and patient experiences can be quite different. There are a number of factors that can determine the effects of a stroke, including the location of the obstruction and how much brain tissue is affected. For these reasons, support groups can be one of the best available resources to make sure you are getting the right assistance for your situation. Common side effects of a stroke can include paralysis, memory loss and changes in behavior.
Those interested in attending can register or learn more by calling 740-356-8556.