K of C 1405 host Charities golf scramble May 15
Published 12:35 am Saturday, March 27, 2021
The Knights of Columbus Council No. 1405 Charities Golf Outing will be held Saturday, May 15, at River Bend Golf Club.
The golf outing is a 3-man scramble and players must be amateurs as defined by the USGA. Entry deadline is May 11.
Two teams will go off the same hole. Seniors hit from the gold tees.
Entry fee is $65 per player and includes carts, a ribeye steak dinner after the tournament, sandwiches provided by Texas Roadhouse, and cash prizes for first and second places.
There is an optional $30 teams’ skins game with all Par 3 holes. There will be big prizes available on all Par 3s.
Registration starts at 8 a.m. and there is a shotgun started at 9 a.m. The tournament is limited to 30 teams.
For more information, contact Chris at (740) 464-9845, Jim at (740) 442-0537, Mike at (740) 547-8496 or the K of C Hall at (740) 533-1405
River Bend is located at 6333 Kentucky Route 1, Argillite, Ky. The phone number at River Bend is (606) 473-6773.